Wheelie Bin Cover Assembly
Thank you for purchasing your bin cover and here we will give you instructions on how to assemble. You will need a cordless drill or similar, and a measuring tape.
You will have received;
2 ground laths for use under or back of bin cover.
2 end panels left and right (both same)
2 center panels (Treble) (1 center panel for double)
1 Top Panel
Top inserts
Doors, hinges and screws, screws for assembly, screws for laths and swivel door knobs.
Firstly, make sure the ground you propose building on is clean and level.
Using your bins as an aid, select 2 end panels and center panels
(fig 1).
Next, Place long top panel on top, securing with three 120 mm screws into side panels and vertical panels, making sure that panels are equi - distant.
Now, tilt bin cover forward.
Screw 2 laths to back or base using 60 mm screws.
If you intend to secure bin cover to wall at rear, place at base.
To secure cover to ground, place at rear, along back of cover.
Measure 2 center panels to make sure they are equi-distant from side panels.
Secure against wall or ground.
To do this, you will need a 8 mm masonry drill bit and 8 mm frame anchors.
If you do this your bin cover will be very stable and your doors will operate perfectly.
Secure end panels and center panels at front to ground.
This will stabilise panels for door swinging
Choose which side you wish to place hinges.
Open hinge to 90 degrees and place against front of door until swivel pin touches door.
Measure down 10 cm and up 10 cm for bottom hinge
Screw into place. Repeat for all doors.
Using a support, place door, in open position,and 3 cm from underneath top panel against side frame and move into place until swivel pin is touching frame and screw into position.
Repeat for all doors.
Close doors and add rotate flip to secure doors in closed position.
Paint your bin cover to your chosen colour.
Your Bin Cover is now complete.