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Structural insulated panels (SIPs) are a high performance building system for residential and light commercial construction. The panels consist of an insulating foam core sandwiched between two structural facings, typically oriented strand board (OSB). 

Our SIPs are manufactured under factory controlled conditions and can be fabricated to fit nearly any building design. The result is a building system that is extremely strong, energy efficient and cost effective. Building with SIPs will save you time, money and labour. 


Environmentally Friendly -  insulation core and OSB/3 faces made from sustainable forest resources.

Excellent Thermal Performance - U-value as low as 0.10 w/m²k, limited cold bridging and superior air tightness.

Save Construction Time And Cost - Large engineered components.

Space Design - Open habitable roof space could transform a 3-bed house to a 5-bed house for little extra cost.

Light-Weight Structural Strength - The average weight per m2 - 100 mm of a Structural Insulated Panel is 20 kg.

Fire Resistance - 60 minute Fire Resistance

Price per m2.

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